
What is VCIO (Virtual Chief Information Officer) and Why Should Every Business Have One?

If your organization has 10 to 500 employees, and they use computers to accomplish their daily work, you’ve probably had a rude awakening at some point to the realization that modern business computing has progressed far beyond the point of buying a few computers at Best Buy, plopping them on a desk, and saying “there you go”. In today’s world of HIPAA laws, PCI compliance requirements, Crypto-Locker viruses, and the ever increasing number of hackers out to steal your assets, doing a poor job with your IT infrastructure can put you out of business in no time at all.

Enhance networking with LinkedIn Alumni

Catching up with your friends at your high school reunion is all well and fun before the conversation turns to work. It seems like all your friends have well-paying jobs, and you’re stuck with a demanding one that’s underpaid. What if there were a way you could land better jobs or further your career path? No sacrificial ceremonies needed.

How to avoid your own Delta IT disaster

Earlier this year, thousands of Delta passengers worldwide were grounded due to a power outage that halted critical IT operations. This was a huge problem not only for the many delayed travelers, but also for the airline company itself. Within three days, the airline company cancelled around 2300 flights and paid over millions of dollars in downtime costs.

New security patches for VMware machines

While virtualization still has a host of security advantages over its localized counterparts, it isn’t exempt from the attention of cyber attackers. Most recently, one of the industry’s leading software vendors, VMware, was forced to release a patch for a critical vulnerability that allowed underprivileged users to attain access to administrative rights.

New heights in data compliance penalties

The tech industry is littered with buzzwords: overused jargon generally meant to inspire feelings of hope and accomplishment. Not all have positive connotations however, and data compliance is one of those spooky buzzwords that many small- and medium-sized businesses have scant specific knowledge about.

Benefits of using Skype for Business

For businesses, it’s never enough to rely on just one asset to succeed, especially when there are better options out there to explore. This is where Skype for Business comes in. Skype for Business is more tailor-made for companies, and it’s hard to deny the many corporate benefits it brings to the table.

Twitter reveals new SMB dashboard app

The ocean has a strange way of making you feel so small; so does a Twitter account with virtually no followers. It does become quite hard for your small- to medium-sized business to establish a strong online presence when they are surrounded by singers and supermodels with their own collection of trending hashtags.

Best Options for CRM Software in 2016

As the saying goes, “absence makes the heart grow fonder.” If oceans were to separate you from your loved ones, what would you do? Would you communicate as much as you used to? Would you still check in from time to time? Now, apply this sentiment to your business; what would happen if communication with your customers broke down? Following up on orders or keeping track with progress would become a nightmare - it’s time for CRM software to save the day:

Since every business differs in terms of size, there is no one-size-fits-all when it comes to CRM. Thus, varying corporate sizes require unique CRM software that best addresses requirements.