
5 ways to make tech trends work for you

What tech fads has your SMB recently written off as silly and not worth your time? 3D printing, internet of things…Pokémon GO? Juvenile as they may seem at first, these trends helped to make a lot of businesses a lot of money. Navigating the quickly rising and falling auspices of the tech world may seem like a lost cause, but with the right know-how, you can make, connect, and catch profits by exploiting the tech trends of the day.

New Outlook add-on comes to the rescue

A good business owner needs to occasionally put themselves into their employee's shoes to get a better picture. Imagine you are a sales representative, most of your working time is split between email inbox and CRM software. All that jumping around between the two is going to become very problematic.

Data migration tool simplifies transitions

If your business has decided to make the move to virtualized servers and databases, there are countless variables you need to plan for during the migration process. In an effort to make the whole affair as painless as possible for SMBs, Amazon Web Services has created a tool to make migrations faster, cheaper and simpler -- what else could you ask for? Not much, which is why we’re excited to tell you all about it.

Data in, buzzword out

One of your business’s most valuable assets is data, and ensuring its safety should be a top priority for your IT department. But what of the fact that there are so many different types of data nowadays? It seems like every few months there’s a new buzzword for the latest flavor, so it’s important that you get a taste of each new kind to ensure you’re up-to-date.

3 fascinating advances in health-tech

Corporate giants like Microsoft, Google and Apple are essentially cultural icons because their software and hardware innovations have been, dare we say, revolutionary. Similarly, in the not-too-distant future, we’ll be looking back and marvelling about how healthcare once existed without some of the radical-sounding technologies that are tantalizingly close to becoming reality.

So what’s new in SEO and social media?

When it comes to technology news, breakthroughs, innovations, and what-to-do’s, we’ve always got our eyes peeled for the latest and greatest. Paying close attention to what’s trending is critical not only to our success, but to that of our clients as well, which is why we’re taking a look at 5 popular SEO and Social Media tactics happening now.

Can you hear the VoIP man calling?

Back in the day, a phone was just a phone. Now, it’s a veritable computer in the palm of your hand, part tool and part entertainment, with the ability to perform a multitude of interesting and advanced functions. It does still make calls, of course, but even that aspect is a bit different than how things used to be because of the increasingly popular technology called VoIP.

In technical terms, VoIP is a broadband phone service that uses the internet instead of a public switched telephone network (PSTN) for things like voice calls and video conferencing.