8 reasons to trust Micro Doctor to support
your IT and computer network.

We can boast over a quarter of a century of experience and innovation.

We can boast over a quarter of a century of experience and innovation.

We provide convenient and cost effective technology solutions.

We provide convenient and cost effective technology solutions.

We save you money by doing it right the first time.

We save you money by doing it right the first time.

We build strong and lasting partnerships to ensure you grow.

We build strong and lasting partnerships to ensure you grow.

We built our reputation on honesty, fairness, excellence and knowledge.

We built our reputation on honesty, fairness, excellence and knowledge.

We firmly believe in using industry best practices at all times.

We firmly believe in using industry best practices at all times.

We increase productivity and help you provide better customer service.

We increase productivity and help you provide better customer service.

We built our business around core values of honesty, excellence, results and problem solving.

We built our business around core values of honesty, excellence, results and problem solving.

Looking for an IT cure all?

We're here for businesses in Warren, Youngstown and throughout
Northeast Ohio

IT Support for Businesses in Warren, Youngstown and throughout Northeast Ohio

Computers and IT systems are very much like people. When they are working well, it's wonderful. Your office works efficiently, customers are happy and your company grows. But like people, computers can have bad days - they get old and slow down, catch viruses or require constant monitoring and updates to ensure they are working at full capacity. And when this happens, there's a professional team you can call on at Micro Doctor.

We give your IT a shot in the arm and bring life back to your computer systems. We can cure your tech woes, and provide solutions that will make your business more efficient while taking away the stress of badly performing computers and laptops. With our consultants on your team, we not only give your IT a new lease on life, but also give you the luxury of more time and better resources to get things moving in your business.

There's a doctor in the house

Who we help
and how we do it.

  • Owners and managers of growing businesses in Warren, Youngstown, Boardman and all over Ohio who are seeking IT solutions that make their businesses more profitable, productive and efficient.
  • We have over 25 year's experience in the fast-moving world of IT and pride ourselves on giving you the right solution the first time around.
  • With Micro Doctor Inc. taking care of your IT, you can wave goodbye to poorly performing computers, untrustworthy IT guys who never get the job done and all the headaches that come with trying to manage your computers and your business at the same time.

We've helped keep IT healthy
for customers all over Ohio

See what they've been saying
about us

Micro Doctor Inc. - Warren, OH

Computers are the beating heart of your business, it pays to stay informed about Them

Stay ahead of the IT curve with our informative blog

19 Revealing Questions You Should Ask Any Computer Consultant Before Giving Them Access To Your Company’s Network

Don't feel that you're ready to
make a commitment?

There is no rush. Deciding who to trust with your precious data and IT is a big decision. And that is why it is a good idea to have all the facts and information. So if you are about to take the step of outsourcing your IT, our informative eBook 19 Revealing Questions You Should Ask Any Computer Consultant Before Giving Them Access To Your Company’s Network should help you make a decision and ensure you are taking on a team you can trust.

There is nothing to pay. We are giving our 19 Revealing Questions eBook absolutely FREE! We won’t bother you with phone calls and there is no obligation to buy. Quite simply, we want businesses to get the best help available, and not be at risk of hiring untrustworthy operators.

Click here to get our free ebook!

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