Don’t fall victim to VoIP eavesdropping!

Eavesdropping is a cyberattack wherein hackers obtain and record Voice over IP (VoIP) phone conversations, usually to steal confidential information. This is done without the victim’s knowledge or consent. VoIP eavesdropping can be done by installing a VoIP sniffer on the company’s network, or by hacking into the user’s device.

How SMBs can prevent VoIP eavesdropping

As a business owner, you should be aware of the different cyberattacks that your company faces. One of these is voice over internet protocol (VoIP) eavesdropping. As cybercriminals constantly find new ways to infiltrate your business and steal critical data, now’s the time to implement the proper defenses for your VoIP phone systems.

Microsoft Office 365 ravaged by ransomware

The Internet is a powerful platform that brings people together on a global level while giving them access to a wealth of information anytime they please. With the good, comes the bad - some utilize their skills in committing cyber crimes from the comfort of their own homes.

Risks financial firms face

TTP’s stands for threats and tactics, techniques and procedures, the number of which has been gradually increasing since 2015. The financial services sector has long been the target for cyber criminals, where they apply a myriad of techniques ranging from social-engineering to credential-stealing malware.